Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So I haven't updated this blog in forever.
About a month ago, I spoke at a new student orientation for Temple Students going to TUJ in the fall. I told them everything I had to say.
I met this girl, Shine, who will be living with Yamanaka-san. Good to hear that.

Unfortunately, I've been too lazy to post those damn pictures, but give me my time!

I do not know if it qualifies as reverse culture shock, but I know that ever since I've been in Philly, I've been heavily disgusted by SEPTA, the public transportation of Philly. When I was in Japan, if you miss a train, it's there in 3-5 minutes. Maybe 10 on a BAD day. But here in Philly, 8-10 minutes is the norm, and it usually gets as bad as 15-20 minutes! I'm a busy man I don't need to deal with that.

One major thing I miss about Japan is the training. What can I say? I met my idol, trained at his gym, and in no time, I had to come back.

I've come back to graduate school in Fall 2009, but trust me - when I graduate, I'm going off to Japan! Whether I teach English or work for a Japanese company doing something business-related, I'll be glad to be back and work on my Japanese.

I've been looking into JET and ECC (Preferably ECC so I can go back to Tokyo). The pay is very low - about 2500 a month, so we're talking at least 30,000 a year. Not bad, but for Japan, I'll be living like a beggar. But get this... I plan to have supplemental income from fighting PROFESSIONALLY! OSSU!

My parents don;t quite agree with my plan, but I will do whatever is available to me and whatever is more feasible.