Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finals over

Finals were pretty rough. I struggled with International Trade, but International marketing was a JOKE. My Asian Business final was hard too - but thankfully, I got to go out drinking with the prof afterwards. That was something fun and truly a "only in Japan" moment.

Last night, I went to Roppongi to a year end party, but I wasn't feeling it, so I bounced with some friends to Odaiba.
Today, I woke up late after being out in Odaiba all night. In the evening, I met my buddy Annas in Shibuya and later ran into Jesse. Eventually, we went to GasPanic - the first club I went to in Japan - the meat market. And surprisingly, I met a K-1 fighter:

That was fun. After that, I met my homestay parents with Annas, who used to live in the same homestay last semester. We then ate at a restaurant in Eifukucho, where Annas lives. Good stuff.
With finals over, there will no study and plenty of abroad. I'm going to definitely enjoy the rest of my time at SW

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